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NICU Poetry (click to expand)

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The Sylveon Family’s G-Tube Baby Blog

Our G-Tube Baby Blog is a resource for parents of children with surgically installed gastronomy tubes who feed them using an enteral pump.

Three Sylveon Promises

  1. We will never inundate you with popups and social share buttons; you have enough distractions and know how to copy a link.
  2. We will never try to sell you something without teaching you how to make it yourself; you are crafty enough to raise a great child. (we do use amazon affiliate links)
  3. We will never collect or store any of your personal data; we don’t need it to help you and your child thrive. (we do use some basic cache & cookie features)



The Sylveon G-Tube Baby Blog is not medical advice and is not written by medical doctors. You should always discuss relevant details with qualified professional specialists, but we know what that’s like & will strive to deliver the most reliable information and suggestions we are capable of providing.


Second Disclaimer

We buy a lot of stuff we use from Amazon. The Essential Gear page uses affiliate marketing links, which means we get a small amount of money if you click those links and buy almost anything from Amazon within 24 hours. We are legally required to say, “As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.” We will only link things we personally use or are interested in and not things we are getting paid to recommend cuz fuck that. We will also link to small businesses and vendors when appropriate.

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