G-Tube Baby General Tips & Tricks

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Keep a positive attitude.

I am a speedrunner on Twitch and take a speedrun routing approach to everything. I use a stopwatch to time how long from when I silence the beep after the feed it takes to have the bag being flushed with clean water. This means disconnecting the tube from the baby, consoling her if need be, hanging the tube to drip, squeezing out the excess formula into the sink, rinsing the enteral bag with clean filtered water twice, then adding about 100 ml to flush with, clearing the pump volume, & raising the rate to 600, and the pump starts beeping if you ignore it too long, so the interactions there have to be spaced out appropriately. I find this to be a much more entertaining approach to the chore, but Ajia just turns off the pump when it is done and then turns it back on after cleaning out the enteral bag. Both methods work fine.

To flush, we both turn up the rate to the maximum, 600, and just let it flow with filtered water, we don’t change the dose, which is always (thus far) between 75 and 125 which is sufficient to clean the tube. The high starch formula seems to clean out quicker and easier than thinner formulas, which seems counter-intuitive.